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Setting up the server:

This page will help you navigate to the right pages, settings, and installations to set up your server correctly. This page is verified by: Laerk Ndreko

Initial Navigation

To start, navigate to using an appropriate BU or other authorized account.

  • If you are given access to the project, you should be able to see "empirica-fall-2024".
    • If this is not the case, please contact a team lead or supervisor of the research to access.
  • On the top-left-hand side, navigate to the three bars, hover over Compute Engine, and select VM Instances.

Server Settings

Now, navigate to "Create Instance". Select "CREATE VM FROM..."

  • Select "Marketplace" and search for "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy)".

    • It is IMPORTANT that you select this version and not the Pro version.
  • Launch the virtual operating system.

  • Now rename the server to "(yourname)-h2h-server".

    • There is no requirement to what you name your server however it is easy to keep track of:
      • who: started the server.
      • what: the server will host.
  • Once that is done, ensure that your server is selected to run with "E2" under the "Machine Configuration" section.

  • Important - under Machine type:

    • select High CPU
    • then select e2-highcpu-8
      • NOTE: If you did this right, the monthly estimate should be "$145.45".
  • Next, under Identity and API access - Access scopes select Allow full access to all Cloud APIs.

  • Next, under Firewall, select both Allow HTTP traffic AND Allow HTTPS traffic.

  • ALL DONE HERE! Now select "CREATE".

    • Wait for the server to be created and then move on to the next steps.

Firewall Settings

  • At the top of the page, search for and click "Firewall". Create a new firewall rule.
    • Name it "(yourname)-http-allowall".
      • Enter "Allow all incoming connections to (yourname)'s machines." in the description.
    • Turn on logs.
    • Enter "(yourname)-http-server" in Target tags.
    • Enter "" in Source IPV4 Ranges.
    • Under Protocols and ports, under Specified protocols and ports, under BOTH TCP and UDP enter "80, 443, 8000".
    • Create!
  • Navigate back to your vm machine, select it and click edit.
    • Under both "Labels" and "Network Tags", enter "(yourname)-http-server", and click save.

SSH and Terminal Instructions

  • Now we have to enter the SSH terminal and install the necessary packages.

    • For this to work ensure that any settings on your device, allow pop-ups (including disabling any ad-blockers).
  • There should be a button labeled "SSH" at your VM Machine, select that and you should have a terminal pop up on your screen.

  • Once that is loaded, now we have to install our libraries/packages for this to work. For that to happen we need to initialize an environment.

  • We will be using Miniconda. Copy and paste wget into your terminal and press enter.

    • Enter the command bash and hit enter.
    • Now your terminal should be going through Miniconda's terms and conditions (to shortcut this press q).
    • Follow all instructions and select "yes" when prompted to.
    • If the terminal asks for a folder location, you may hit Enter or select a folder yourself.
  • Once Miniconda is downloaded, enter source ~/.bashrc.

    • You should see a "(base)" environment to the left of your terminal line, if this appears you have taken all of the correct steps!
    • We now have to create and activate our environment, copy and paste these commands into your terminal:
      conda create --name empirica_env python=3.9
      conda activate empirica_env
      curl -o- | bash
      \. "$HOME/.nvm/"
      nvm install 22
      conda install jupyterlab
      • You may give your environment another name as well.
    • Once those packages are installed, now install Caddy & Empirica:
      sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl
      curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
      curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install caddy
      curl -fsS | sh
    • Now you should have a Caddyfile, we will edit it in vim:sudo vi /etc/caddy/Caddyfile


    • "i" to insert/edit text

    • "Esc" to stop inserting/editing

    • ":" to enter "quit" mode

    • "q!" to quit without saving changes

    • "wq!" to quit and save changes

    • In your Caddyfile, comment all code there out, and at the very top of the file insert:

    :80 { 
    reverse_proxy :3000
    • Quit and save changes!

SSH-Keygen & Repo Instructions

  • Run ssh-keygen.
    • You can pick and choose your own ssh-key password & location to store your ssh-key information.
  • Run cat ~/.ssh/
    • NOTE: do not EVER print your private ssh-key!!!
  • Copy your public key and go to your Github account.
    • Go to your Github profile, and go to settings.
    • Navigate to SSH and GPG keys, click "New SSH Key".
    • Name your key "gcp instance empirica game"
    • Double-check that your key is an authentication key.
  • Now, go to the H2H repo, and clone using SSH. Copy and paste that into your terminal!
  • Make sure git clone is in front of your pasted link before you hit enter!
  • Now cd into your repository and enter cd client && npm i && cd ../server/ && npm i && cd ../ && empirica.
    • Once your build is created, hit Ctrl + C.
  • Enter empirica bundle.
  • Move the newly created "tar.zst" file back into your home directory (use mv).
  • Now do empirica serve < tar.zst filename >.
  • Your server will be running!
    • To remove the tajriba.json local file and retry your build, run rm .empirica/local/* first.

Running the server in a browser:

  • Once your server is running, return to your GCP instance.
  • Click on its external IP, this should take you to a new tab.
  • In the URL bar, ensure that your URL begins with http:// and ends in either :80 or :80/admin.
    • The admin username is "admin".
    • To access the admin password, contact the research team.
  • Now, you should be able to run experiments on your IP's admin page, players can join by entering your machine's external IP into a browser.

Happy Experimenting!